WestlandResolva Lawn Weedkiller Concentrate 500ml
Resolva Lawn Weedkiller Concentrate controls broad-leaved weeds in lawns, such as Dandelions, Daisies, White Clover, Yarrow, Buttercups, and Self Heal, killing the weeds not the lawn. Suitable for watering can use
*Uses; Resolva Lawn Weedkiller Concentrate should be applied on lawns once a year during the whole vegetative period of the weeds (from April to end September). For best results apply on a warm, sunny day and avoid treatment during dry periods and when rain is expected within 24 hours. To eliminate hardy broad-leafed weeds, RESOLVA LAWN WEEDKILLER CONCENTRATE must be used on sufficiently developed plants. Do not apply immediately after mowing. For best results, apply the product at least 5 days after the last mowing and wait 7 days after application before mowing again. Do not use first four mowings after treatment as a mulch which should be composted for 6 months before use. Do not use on newly sown or turfed grass for 6 months after establishment.
*Application; Apply Resolva Lawn Weedkiller Concentrate with a home garden sprayer or watering can (medium rose) at a dose rate of 10 ml in 10 litres water/10 m². Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring garden plants. Rinse the sprayer or watering can well after use. Avoid walking on treated areas until dry. When renovating treated areas an interval of 6-8 weeks should elapse before re-seeding. The activity of RESOLVA LAWN WEEDKILLER CONCENTRATE will only persist up to 3 months after treatment.
*Contions Dicamba, Mecoprop-p, MCPA & 2,4-D *Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use
Size 500ml concentrate
Contains 2,4-D, MCPA, mecoprop-P & dicamba