Miracle Gro Evergreen Fast Grass 400sqm Bag

Miracle Gro Evergreen Fast Grass 400sqm Bag

Original price was: £29.99.Current price is: £26.99.

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Miracle Gro Evergreen Fast Grass 400sqm Bag

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Fast Green Lawn Food guarantees a superior deeper greening in just 3 days. It is a dual action lawn food with added iron supplement and helps build a thick lawn with stronger roots. Children and pet friendly.

When to use: March to September

How to use

Application by hand

  1. Apply at a maximum individual dose of 35g per square metre (1oz per square yard).
  2. For a visual guide to the correct rate, first spread the recommended amount over a small measured area.

Application by spreader

Use our easy-to-use spreader settings table to set Scotts® and EverGreen® spreaders correctly when using our products.

What about children and pets?

Children and pets need not be kept out of the treated area.

Where to use

Suitable for established lawns. Apply when the weather is fair, the soil moist, the grass dry and frost free.

How often to apply

Re-application is every 6 weeks.

Fertiliser analysis

NPK 16-0-5 + 2% iron.


Water product in before walking on the lawn to avoid staining.

Apply this product very carefully as it will cause brown stains on any surface it comes into contact with e.g. clothing, tarmac drives, paving, decking and kitchen floors.

Note: This list is not exhaustive.

Do not walk on the treated area and keep children and pets away from the area until the product is thoroughly watered in and the grass is completely dry to stop it transferring onto other surfaces.  Sweep up any spillages and dispose of carefully.

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.


Additional information

Weight 25.00 kg