Jostaberry 3 Litre Pot
A thornless hybrid cross of a blackcurrant and gooseberry. Combines the large fruits from a gooseberry and unique taste and vitamin content of a blackcurrant – very nutricious, upright bush producing reliable heavy crops of large shiny black berries – double the size of normal blackcurrants. Flavour is good and berries are rich in Vitamin C – excellent for preserves. Very resistant to mildew but will require protection against frost. Resistant to bug and foliar diseases.
Eventual height; 5ft. Cropping season; July. Self fertile.
Prepare area before planting by digging over and mixing organic manure or compost into the top soil. Plant as soon as possble after purchase, provided weather conditions are suitable. Soak bush for 2 hours in water and plant to the depth of the soil mark on the stem, tread in firmly and water. Mulch yearly with well rotted compost or manure to retain miosture and suppress weeds. After planting, prune all stems back to 5cm (2″) above the ground. In later years remove about 25% of the stems to encourage new growth from the base.
Qty; 1