Carrot St Valery Seeds – Mr Fothergills
High yielding maincrop variety, popular since the 1880’s. High quality, very uniform roots with excellent colour. An excellent source of vitamin A and antioxidants.
Easily sown direct in the garden. Sow little and often for a continuous crop.
Key features:
- High yielding maincrop
- High quality
- Average 750 seeds
Sow & Grow:
Outdoors: sow thinly, March-July, where they are to crop, 1.5cm (½”) deep, directly into finely-prepared, light, fertile soil, which has already been watered. Allow 30cm (1′) between rows. Early sowings may benefit cloche protection. Seedlings usually appear in 14-21 days. Thin by harvesting young carrots evenly from the row, allowing remainder to grow on. Water well until plants are established. Harvest: June-December. Roots can be lifted in autumn. Remove soil and store in dry sand.