Archive for Term: Snow Roses Collection

Snow Roses are crosses between the Christmas Rose and Helleborus species from the Mediterranean. These include the Corsican hellebore (Helleborus argutifolius) and the Balearic or blue-grey hellebore (Helleborus lividus), whose names indicate their provenance. Resistance against severe cold and snow is typical of Christmas Roses, whilst the Corsican and Balearic hellebore provide the Snow Roses from the Helleborus Gold Collection® with the genetic trait to unfold their full potential even in full sun. The vigorous Snow Rose varieties are also very easy to please in terms soil requirements in the garden, as long as they are given enough space to grow. Companion plants should not spread excessively or crowd adjacent hellebores.

Some of the multi-diverse Snow Rose varieties liven up winter gardens with delicate hues ranging from white and cream to dusky pink and cinnamon from as early as November onwards. The Snow Roses from the Ice N’ Roses® series create flowering accents in purple or raspberry red and other colours even into April. After the flowering season has ended, the bold foliage serves as a structural highlight in the garden for the rest of the year.

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